Monday, January 31, 2011

January's Book

So far this year I have kept my resolution of reading at least one book a month outside of classes. I decided I would blog about the book(s) I read every month and what I thought.

For January I read:

I love F. Scott Fitzgerald and I love reading books from the early 1900s especially the 1920s. I know probably all of my sisters will laugh and roll their eyes at this, but secretly I wish I could've lived in the 1920s. I wish I could "bob" my hair and be a flapper girl. Unfortunately, I have no coordination and my legs are pasty, pasty white. So maybe it is better that I was born in 1988 and I can wear jeans.

Still, I know this time was not perfect and a lot of the people back then had serious issues, which brings me to The Beautiful and the Damned........

This novel revolves around the lives of two characters, Anthony and Gloria, who are basically these two well..."beautiful" people. They have always had somewhat of easy lives and never had to work hard for anything. Then of course tragedy strikes. That is all I am going to say.

I really enjoyed this book. Fitzgerald is good at writing. I love his descriptions and also the character development he has. He is also very witty and example of this is in the novel there was this part one point where he makes fun of popular literature. One of the characters is venting about people who no longer read good, meaningful books and one of the books he lists of not being worthwhile is one of Fitzgerald's books. Of course, the character who is saying this is an egotistical author who had one success. 

Still, I thought it was clever.   

It is kind of depressing story and I know this might sound odd but I love books like that, because in the end that is reality. I am not saying that everyone ends up miserable but at the same time things don't magically work out. Things happen and depending on what kind of person you are and how you handle it can sometimes significantly change your life. 

I like reading these books where people have hard lives and see how they handle it. Because whether or not they handle it well it is always inspiring to me.

1 comment:

  1. I love Fitzgerald. But compared to another favorite of mine, Hemingway, Fitzgerald is lighthearted. You should try some Hemingway this year. I'm glad you are keeping your goal.
