Friday, August 12, 2011


On Wednesday I went rappelling with my friends Kyle, McKenzie, and McKenzie's friend from her mission Ixel. (Brandon wasn't able to come because he was working a double that day.) This was my first time rappelling because I don't count the time at Girl's Camp when I rappelled off of a board. Our friend Kyle is an Outdoor Recreation major and has a lot of experience with rappelling and other outdoor activities. He actually used to be in charge of the ropes course at a Boy Scout camp in Beaver. 

Getting ready:


It was so pretty up there!

Some pictures of us waiting to start:

This was the cliff we went down it was about 30 feet:

Kyle and McKenzie going down:

This is me before I went down. I was the last one to go so I was the only one at the top:

I hated it the first time. I got down to the bottom and I felt like I was going to throw-up. I am pretty sure that had to do with the fact that I hadn't been drinking as much as I should've that day. It is actually kind of ironic because it seems like whenever I do an active activity with Kenzie usually that day I don't eat as well or drink as much, any other day I usually do a lot better. I really didn't want to go down again but then Kyle showed Kenzie a couple more techniques to make it a lot easier so I decided I would try again and do these new things. It was A LOT better after that. 

Here are some pictures of me rappelling (this was my second time):