Thursday, November 4, 2010

Early Christmas Gifts

Like I said in my last post the other day Brandon and I went to St. George. While we were down there we decided to splurge and buy ourselves early Christmas gifts. We decided we had the money for a couple of things we have wanted for a while and we actually wouldn't be breaking the bank in order to get our gifts. Brandon got an iPad and I got a Kindle. Yes, mine is not as cool but for me it is like having a personal library with no due dates because you can download a lot of books for free.

When we decided that we would count these as our gifts we decided there isn't much of a point of us getting a Christmas tree this year. Yes, trees aren't too expensive but we would need to get ornaments, a stand, and a skirt. It just doesn't really seem worth it for us. Instead we are being creative and there is of course a Christmas tree app on his iPad. We played with it and made a Christmas tree.

We are going to set this out on Christmas day and be nerds. Until then though....HAPPY THANKSGIVING!


  1. You have to get a tree or you are a bahumbugh! (sp). Our first tree was super pathetic but it was a tree.

  2. I agree with Shannon, if you want to see Caleb again, you cann't use an ipad app for a tree. I believe our first tree had hand me down ornaments like three of them and fruit loop chain. If I still have the ugly ornaments I will then them to you!

  3. K you guys are kind of convincing me

  4. As the person who gave the ugly ornaments to Lindsay, I would be happy to pass some down to you when you come. The music with the tree will drive you crazy after about 5 minutes.
