Thursday, November 11, 2010

Christmas Tree and Disaster Haircut

First of all, Shannon and Lindsay got to me and so I talked to Brandon and we are now getting a Christmas tree! It will probably just be a Charlie Brown one but at least it is something. We also looked at the prices for ornaments, lights, and a tree stand and it isn't as expensive as we thought it would be. So there you go, I am not going to be a Bah-Humbug.


For a while now Brandon has needed a haircut. For the past year we have had our friend Jen cut our hair but she has recently graduated from cosmetology school and she has a job but for some reason hasn't received her license yet. We wanted to just wait until she got it because we knew if we just asked her to come over she wouldn't let us pay and we feel like we should pay.

Anyways, Brandon does have a hair cutting set and the other day I jokingly said, "Oh I will just cut it!" He thought this was a great idea and convinced me I should try and if it goes wrong we would just call Jen.

Here are pictures of Brandon before the haircut. Just so readers are aware for some reason one side of his hair in the back grows quicker than the other. That is why it looks weird:

To make a long story short because I feel like I am writing I novel....I can NOT cut hair. This is what I did:

So we called Jen and asked her to come fix it. She laughed when she saw what I did which I don't mind because I thought it was funny. She then did the best she could at fixing it. I don't know if these pictures are really doing anything and really showing the difference between the disaster and how Jen fixed it but I promise there is a huge difference! Jen really made it look as good as it could:

Moral of the Story: Dana should never cut hair again. 


  1. Glad about the tree. I'm sorry about the haircut.

  2. OH man! I know your pain! I did cut Blake's hair once, but it was before he left on his mission, and with A LOT of help. I don't think I will ever cut Blake's hair again...I'm too much of a perfectionist, and it's too stressful! LOL, congrats on the tree! I'm trying to convince Blake still to get us one...ugh.
