Saturday, January 26, 2013


On December 1, Mayke had an adorable baby girl named Hetty. Her parents came to help out (with her mom staying a bit longer than her dad) and on one of my days off I offered to come watch both Tessa and Hetty so Mayke and her mom could get out of the house. After I offered, I actually realized I had never watch Tessa before, but I wasn't too worried because she is a great girl. My only fear was that she would be really shy toward me.

When I got to the house Tessa ignored me for a minute, but she warmed up really quickly and we had fun playing. At one point she got on her rocking horse and I took a picture of her because, well, she is adorable:

(At one point she started singing "Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star" at the top of her lungs. She actually says "tinkle" instead of "twinkle", which makes it even more adorable.)

When Mayke and her Mom left, anytime Hetty got a little fussy (which wasn't very often) I would say, "oh, sweetheart." Tessa would get upset with me and say, "She's not sweetheart, she's Hetty!" (I guess she thought I didn't know her name). After a while though, Tessa started calling her "sweetheart."

After I took this picture Tessa wanted to take a picture of Hetty too. She took out an old school camera (you know, one that uses film) from one of her toy boxes and started "taking" pictures of Hetty. She then handed me the camera and asked me to open it so she could see the pictures and then was very confused when she couldn't see any. So, I offered her my phone so she could take a picture that she could see. She actually took time to get a good angle of Hetty and took this picture:

(I think Tessa takes after her dad in photography)


  1. Cute baby! Is Hettie short for anything?

  2. Whenever Hetty gets fussy now Tessa will say "It's okay sweetheart." I love it. Thanks again for watching them. I need to come up to SL sometime to hang out with you. :)
