Friday, June 17, 2011

The Story of Us

Author's Note: I really don't expect anyone to read this. The reason why I am writing this is because Brandon and I have decided to start publishing our blog into books every year. I started thinking about it and because my old blog no longer exists and I am terrible at writing in my journal I don't have any records of Brandon's and my story. So I decided I am going to write a HUGE blog post about how we met, dating, how he proposed, the wedding etc. I'm also going to include some pictures too. Like I said, I don't expect anyone to read this, but you're more than welcomed to. I just don't want to be 70 years-old and regret that I never wrote it down.

How We Met: 

Back in 2008 I was coming back to Cedar City to start my third year at SUU and that year I had decided to live with one of my best friends McKenzie who I met while working at the school newspaper. She came up with an idea to have a Rock Band party before school started and I was all for it. She invited a lot of people including people who didn't live in Cedar City and this included Brandon.

Though the main party was on Sunday some of us still played on Saturday after the editor's retreat. Brandon came down that night after he worked his shift and when he came in I thought (and I still think this) that he was the most attractive guy I have ever met.

You know how while growing up you kind of form in your head the perfect guy? Well Brandon met all of the physical qualities I wanted in a guy. I thought he was so cute, but I was shy and I was convinced I would never have a chance with him.

On Sunday I spent a lot of the morning/early afternoon trying to figure out how Kenzie and him knew each other because they seemed really close. There was actually a time that I was thinking they were brother and sister but McKenzie had told me about her family before and I did not remember a Brandon being in it.

Once the party began I started to care less about how they knew each other and soon I realized Brandon was flirting with me. I was elated but I kind of figured since he lived in Ogden nothing would happen. We kept flirting during the night and I started to think he liked me. Later on I learned that the reason why he was close with Kenzie is because they dated all through out high school and she was going to wait for him. I remember hearing about this guy but I never knew his name. At this point I was starting to regret how much we were flirting because I thought this was unfair to Kenzie.

Here are some of the pictures from that night. Keep in mind we decided to dress like "rockers" and my ensemble were clothes that Kenzie's friend had given her:

(I love this picture! Keep in mind the bottles are IBC Rootbeer)

The next day Brandon came over to say goodbye, but he didn't ask for my number. I felt like an idiot because I thought he might have been interested.  

I had to go to work and I was scared of telling Kenzie about how I felt about Brandon, but I felt like I needed to. She was actually happy to know that I liked him because she thought we would be cute together. She then called up Brandon to see what he thought of me and he said he was interested, but was too shy to ask for my number. He actually was planning on finding me on Facebook and was going to try to form a relationship from there. Kenzie sped up the process though by giving him my number and told him to call me later that night.

The next few days we would talk on the phone and we decided to start a relationship. For the first few months it was long distance and then he decided to come to SUU. We knew early on we wanted to get married, but we didn't feel like it was the right time. We ended up dating for a little over a year before he proposed. 

The Proposal: 

At SUU there is a place called the Centrum. It is basically a circular hallway that has some classrooms and is outside the basketball court. Brandon and I would walk around the Centrum almost everyday when we had some free time. It just gave us some time to catch-up.

On the day he proposed he asked me if I wanted to go there for a walk. As we were walking we came to a display case that had a vase of daisies on it. I knew they were for me and while I was looking at them Brandon got on one knee. He then told me that he loves me and wants to spend forever with me. He then asked me to marry him.

Our friend Janet helped Brandon with this and actually was hiding during this taking some pictures:

A little while later I went home to find more flowers there :) 

Engagement Life:

Brandon and I were engaged for about six months. It was a really long engagement but I am glad it was that long. It made it a lot less stressful. The only reason why I am including this part is so I can post some engagements and bridals. I do want to take this moment to once again thank my sister Shannon for finding my wedding dress. It was perfect. She also found the bridesmaid dresses, which I also loved. 

Also here is our invitation. My sister-in-law Tara designed them and we both loved the design! I really think it is one the prettiest designs I have ever seen. Of course, I might be being biased since it was our invitation :)

Wedding Day:

The only thing I would change about our wedding day was where we got our flowers, I really was disappointed in how they looked. Besides that I thought our wedding day was perfect. We had a later sealing so I didn't have to wake up super early to get ready. That morning was really relaxed I even went to the mall with my sister Stephanie to get some hairspray. Brandon also had a good morning except for the fact he threw-up his breakfast because he was so excited. He at least was smarter than me and ate. In all my excitement all I had eaten that day was a small slice of zucchini bread. I actually almost passed out in the temple before the sealing because I was so hungry. A temple worker got me some crackers and water though who also informed me that I was not the first bride this has happened to. 

We didn't have a reception. Neither of us really wanted anything big so we just had a dinner with family and some close friends. It was great! The whole evening was so relaxed and the food was delicious. One of the funniest moments was when I was going to throw the bouquet my niece Isabelle ran up and grabbed it before I threw it. 

I'm not going to post a lot of pictures of the wedding just because we already have a wedding album. Here are some of my favorites though:

So there you go! That is the long story of how Brandon and I met and then became husband and wife. I couldn't ask for a better husband. I've never been one to believe in soul mates, but I do believe I would've never found anyone better for me. We work well together and we love being with each other. 

1 comment:

  1. I zoomed in on that photo and it's no root beer bottle...
