Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Why yes, Brandon and I are 5-years-old

After going to Disneyland Brandon and I went to northern Utah for a wedding and also to see family. This was fun because my sister Dianna was in town preparing to leave for Africa to work on her dissertation and so we got to see her before she left.

On Saturday afternoon Brandon and I were at Shannon's and she started talking about needing to go to Costco. Brandon and I offered to watch her kids and she took us up on our offer. Now, even though it was raining earlier that afternoon it cleared up for a bit and the kids wanted to go outside. After a while Brandon and Andrew went inside because Bubba was having issues with biting, punching, and pushing people. After they went Bellie, Adie, and me were trying to find something to do.

Adie (who is super creative) came up with the idea of doing a "camp-out." The only issue is they both wanted to bring out basically all of their toys, blankets, pillows, etc. outside. I wasn't positive of whether or not Shannon would be okay with all of these items going outside so I was the mean aunt and kept saying "no." Adie was getting upset about this and while I was thinking of a solution I suggested having the "camp-out" inside and making a fort.

They loved this idea.

Brandon helped them put this together, but after Andrew decided to crawl on the top of it a few times (each time destroying it) we found something else to do because we were tired of putting it back together and Andrew wouldn't promise that he wouldn't destroy it again (at least he is honest).


There really isn't a lot to do in Cedar City and so Brandon and I decided tonight to make a fort. So we have been hanging out in tonight while watching Monster Quest on Netflix.

Sorry for the long back story but I feel like this random juvenile activity needed some background information :)

P.S. Even though Andrew was being a bully I do want to add that we both love him and watching him. Re-reading through this I just thought I was being too harsh.


  1. You guys are funny. You'll be good parents someday!

  2. I couldn't help commenting on this post, so please overlook any awkwardness that a comment from an older sister's friend can bring and watch this...
    and then the second half...
