Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Sleep Talking

First off, this is not a post to pick on Brandon we both think this is funny and he has no issue about me posting a blog about this.


Brandon often talks in his sleep and also "sleep walks" in a sense. He doesn't do any walking but there are times I think he is awake and then he does a really weird action. Brandon said that I have talked in my sleep once, but he can't remember when or what I said.

Here are some of these moments:

1) Brandon I guess has been doing this for a while. One time in high school his brother overheard both Brandon and his brother Justin having a conversation together in their sleep. The conversation was in German. (He took German in high school)

2) Last night I woke up because of a lot of moving by Brandon. I turned over and asked what was going on and then he snapped his fingers three times at me. I asked if everything was okay, he said yes, I then asked why he was snapping at me, and he said "because I want you to know I am right here."

3) On Saturday Brandon and I went to bed, but since I wasn't really tired I decided to read some. I don't really how this one worked but Brandon turned on his lamp for me to read (would've made more sense if I turned on mine). Anyways.....Brandon fell asleep and I read for a pretty long time. At one point Brandon turned around and I would've sworn he was awake. He said hi to me, I asked how he was, he said fine, he then laid my chest while I read some more, and then he just randomly turns over, turns off the light, and doesn't say anything else. After he did that I decided I would just try to fall asleep and if I couldn't sleep then I would go out into the living room and read.

The next day I asked if he remembered abruptly ending my reading. He said no and that he doesn't even remember waking up during the night.

4) One of our favorite shows is How I Met Your Mother and one of the catch-phrases is a character telling people to "suit up!" Which basically means, go get in a suit (he thinks suits need to be worn at all times). One morning I was awake and Brandon wasn't and he rolled over and told me to "suit up!" Since he never remembers his dreams he couldn't recall if he was dreaming about the show or that character.

5) Besides that I usually can't understand him. There have been a couple of instances where he starts talking about a game (usually the most computer game he is addicted to) and asks for advice. He usually starts very panicky and I have to talk him down saying he doesn't need to worry about that. He then says "okay" and stops talking.

Less than a week until Disneyland!

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