Wednesday, July 21, 2010


In our apartment we don't have central air but a swamp cooler. We actually don't mind it works well, keeps our house cool, and doesn't use a lot of energy. Now, even though it keeps our house cool, yesterday was an exception. You see we haven't done laundry in a while so yesterday we had to do a lot of laundry. Since the washing machine and dryer are right by our bedroom the heat from our dryer kept that area warm and the swamp cooler didn't cool it down. So at about 9:30 last night our room still wasn't cool and so we decided to "camp out" in the living room where it was nice and cool. We had recently got an air mattress and so we were excited to try it out. Here are pictures of our set-up and us:

We weren't too tired once we got everything set-up so we decided to watch television. One funny thing about our cable situation is it is pretty white trash. We haven't gotten cable yet because while Brandon was looking for a job it just wasn't logical to live off my salary and use some of it for cable and Internet. We decided it would be a little bit wiser to save what we weren't using. So what we have been doing is just watching channels we can pick up. The only two channels we can really get are ABC and Fox. With Fox though it is in black and white and can sometimes have pretty pretty bad static. So last night we watched Seinfeld and I decided to take a picture of our white trash situation:

In case you guys are wondering we are getting cable and Internet soon so I am pretty excited about that.

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