Wednesday, February 1, 2012

The Return of Rote

The semester before I got married I decided it would be my last semester at the University Journal. I felt like there wasn't a lot more I could do after four years and what I liked to call the "original staff" had all moved on and it just wasn't enjoyable anymore.

Well, when I was dropped from the student teaching program this semester I started helping out with layout just to have something to do. I was helping out today when Captain (the advisor whose real name is John Gholdston) came up to me and said that he was going to put me back on the staff and pay me in appreciation of what I have been doing. So I am now a layout assistant and babysitter of the website (there are a lot of people who work on the website.)

So here is a picture of me back in the newsroom (I think I am the only staff member who hasn't taken a picture with a computer):

P.S. Also to explain my title: at the Journal there is a pirate theme and everyone gets a pirate name. My pirate name is Rote which is German for Red (which obviously is the color of my hair and Captain did the German word because he is fluent in German). 

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