Friday, November 11, 2011


I normally am not a huge fan of Halloween, but this year was actually a lot of fun! The Thursday before Kenzie, Christian, and Kyle came over to carve pumpkins. Kyle actually made a casserole that was baked inside a pumpkin; it was really good! 

Kenzie getting really excited about carving her pumpkin:

 Kyle, Brandon, and Christian:

Here is Brandon and me with our pumpkin. I actually don't really like carving pumpkins and so Brandon gutted it, I drew the face, and Brandon carved it:

Kenzie and her vampire pumpkin:

Christian also did a vampire, and this is him imitating his pumpkin's face:

This is Kyle's pumpkin, which is a hillbilly:

All the finished pumpkins:

We also got cupcakes and they came with rings, and this is me wearing the rings from the two cupcakes I had:

On Halloween we went over to the University Journal's operation manager's, John Gholdston (Captain), house. He LOVES Halloween, and actually his anniversary is on Halloween. Unfortunately, his wife died five years ago, but despite that he still loves the holiday and has a party every year. He also has one of the most elaborately decorated houses I have ever seen:

 (There was actually one trick-or-treater who called it the best Halloween house.)

Captain's kid Buddy, Buddy's wife, and their adorable son John live with Captain. He is seriously one of the cutest kids I have ever met, besides my nieces and nephews:

I know everyone in my family will make fun of me for this, but we had a group-themed costume. All of us were characters from Buffy the Vampire Slayer:

I was Buffy's best friend Willow, who is a witch, and Brandon was Willow's boyfriend Oz, who is a werewolf:

Kenzie was Buffy:

Captain was a vampire:

Kyle was Angel, a vampire who I am pretty sure Edward is based off of (except Edward is more of a wimp). I think Joss Wheddon should sue Stephenie Meyer):

Christian was a villain named Caleb who poses as a priest. After being introduced to Caleb I developed a fear of southern priests:

Overall it was a great night!

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