Monday, October 4, 2010

Dana's Thumb

 Today at work I was an idiot. I was breaking down boxes and was using a razor to do so; however I was not smart and I had the razor going toward me and I sliced my thumb. I bled for almost 20 minutes and my boss, Jontelle, Janet, and I were trying to decide if I would need stitches. Jontelle said it would be covered by workers comp so we decided it wouldn't really hurt to go check. After deciding this Janet and I went to WorkMed which is basically InstaCare for worker's compensation.

It turned out I didn't need stitches but I was long overdue for a tetanus shot so the doctor told me I had to get one.  This is me after I learned I had to get a shot:

It hurt.

Besides getting a shot they also bandaged up my thumb and I have to keep it on and not get it wet for the next 48 hours. This means Brandon has to do dishes YAY! So here is me with my giant thumb:

I will blog soon about Brandon's birthday my friend just has my camera cord right now so I can't upload the pictures I took. It was a fun day though!


  1. Ouch! Tetanus shots do hurt. Well, Steve had a giant needle go up his nose the other day, luckily it was the eye of the needle and not the pointy end. Let's just say if it was the pointy end...Steve would have a pierced nose. lol. Hope you feel better!

  2. Now I understand your facebook comment. I'm glad you didn't need stitches. I've had two workman's comp issues which seems like a lot for a librarian. You never know. Take care of yourself.
